How well does your nanny know the rules of the road?
Nanny Drive iQ – Online assessment & education for nannies driving children
Happy Nest Nanny Agency is now offering it’s nannies the opportunity to complete the Nanny Drive iQ training and assessment online, and as a partner we can also offer further discount specifically for our clients and nannies.
Nanny Drive iQ is an online qualification for nannies/child carers that shows an employer that they understand everything about driving safely with babies/children. It is the world’s first online assessment and educational platform specifically aimed a child carer’s driving ability. Endorsed and supported by early years experts Norland College, the online programme looks at attitude, skill and knowledge.
It comprises an initial assessment followed by up to 20 compulsory or recommended e-learning modules. There is also an interactive eBook on best practice to support and inform the applicant on an ongoing basis. Nanny Drive iQ provides essential information and coping strategies to ensure someone driving children is fully informed and prepared for just about anything when out on the road.
Some helpful fact-sheets courtesy of Nanny Drive iQ…
Are you a good Role Model?
Know your car – Inside & Out
Human Factors – Stressed, Tired, Anxious?